Firearm Storage, Part 1: Bulk Weapons
Our Public Safety Sales Team is always uncovering new firearm storage applications — and these projects can be some of the most fun because firearms storage comes with complex challenges. The classic list of customer challenges includes: security to control who has access to the firearms, limited space to store the firearms, issues with protection of the firearm, and timely access to the weapon when it’s needed.
Because we deal with weapons storage so frequently, I’m breaking down firearm storage into two Challenger Insights. This week’s topic? Bulk storage of firearms and how to recommend the best solution based on your customer’s situation.
Starting the Conversation
My favorite opening question is, “How are the firearms accessed?” After we know the answer to this question, we can easily transition into who has access and how to control the access, which lends itself to the type of security required, and ultimately which firearm storage system is best suited to their needs.
At training facilities, law enforcement armories, and crime labs, firearms are often accessed at an issue point. One person or a specific, small group of people have access to the firearms, so access to the storage can be controlled through building security at the entry point to the room. The next question might be “Is additional security required?”
We have been seeing a fair amount of rooms where additional security is not required. But even if additional security isn’t required, space and organization are still major concerns. How often do we get questions like “How do I fit 100 long guns and 200 pistols into this much space?”
Recommending the Right Solution
In rooms with these kinds of space restrictions, WeaponWRX®, Weapons Rack III, and UWR® are all good options for storing long guns. But how do you choose the right solution? I think of WeaponWRX as a “cantilever” type solution. Cantilever frames can be mounted to a wall, but they have some limitations in width and height. On the other hand, Weapons Rack III fits in 4 Post shelving, which provides some flexibility in height and width.
Here’s a quick reference for reasons you might choose Weapons Rack III:
- Project requires flexibility for rooms with non-standard heights and widths
- Need for 2 levels of long gun storage
- Using 4-post shelving
The Weapons Rack III Tech Data Sheet shows how many long guns fit in each width of shelving. For two levels of long guns, be sure you know how much clear space is required for the types of long guns being stored. For Crime Lab applications, keep in mind that some long guns are longer than standard military rifles. For example, you may come across an M14 or a musket, so be sure to account for some of the “extra-long” long guns.
On your drawings, show the total number of firearms. Inform your customer of the complexity of the design and mention contract purchase options. These customers want to be assured that their weapons are being properly stored and protected, so explaining that our barrel supports are neoprene coated to prevent metal on metal contact to protect your firearms makes a difference.
Be sure to check your inbox next week for Part 2: Individual Weapon Storage! In the meantime, you can brush up on the Weapons Rack III Info Sheet and Tech Data Sheet to see exactly how many of each type of weapon these solutions can store.